Multi-factor authentication keeps data secure while working from home
Fast reaction to the coronavirus lockdown in March 2020:
VermögensZentrum increased the number of employees working from home
When the number of employees working from home jumps up within a few days during times of crisis such as the coronavirus outbreak, infrastructure must be able to keep up with secure data transfer. VZ relies on multi-factor authentication, VPN and firewall, a solution by terreActive.
At the very start of the coronavirus outbreak, VZ decided to protect its employees and safeguard availability to customers and the flow of operations by increasingly relying on working from home.
To expand its remote access solution to allow secure access by more employees, VZ had to overcome multiple challenges:
- Gateway scaling: more employees working from home means a greater load on the VPN
- Multi-factor authentication
- Express hardware acquisition
- Extensive expansion and development of the security infrastructure
Narrow time window and difficult conditions
Less than two weeks passed from the initial contact between VermögensZentrum and terreActive to the launch of the new solution.
The crisis required quick action on the part of terreActive in multiple departments.
Read more about this project in the two-page PDF, at the bottom of this page.